Growing up a simple tomato salad was my staple. I hated the normal koshimbirs/kosumbari/kachumbers made using carrots,cucumbers or radish.I preferred the addition of curd/yoghurt and extra seasonings which made it a raitha.But generally I preferred salads last in my plate.For me they were there just to fill up the remianing place in the plate or just a variety of raw vegetables which in my opinion were for fashionable people (blame it on the myth that models prefer salds to rice)or healthfreaks. In parties or social dos,you can see carved cucumbers or tomato flowers etc. But for me they were just that -decorations not to be eaten.But at home,show me tomato salad and I was floored.Even now,a simple tomato salad is a comforting food. My mom used to make it fortnightly once or twice,but never daily. I think she wanted to keep it that way as I wanted different foods everyday.Come to think of it,the word salad has undergone a sea of change for me.There are a variety of salads some of which can be quite elaborate and can include cooked or uncooked . Now sometimes I prefer salads to main courses - is old age catching up? I have heard that we reduce the food intake as we grow older!.
Anyway coming to todays post,this is a protein rich salad from Healthy Salads& Soups by Tarla Dalal. I had won the book as I was the chosen one of the Only Salads Event ,originally by Pari of Foodelicious and hosted by Prathibha at the Chef and her Kitchen.What makes this salad special is the use of soaked and roasted beans.Normally bean salads including those I hae posted here,use cooked legumes/lentils. I have seen recipes where partially cooked legumes are then roasted and used. But this salad to my astonishment,roasts the soaked beans itself. So no hassles of cooking for 4-5 whistles in the pressure cooker, or 1-2 hours in the stove top.Only extra preparation time is needed to soak the beans and then salt it.
SoyBeans/ Soy nuts: 1/2 cup
Turmeric Powder: 1/4tsp
Salt: as needed
Potatoes: boiled,peeled and cubed: 1/2 cup
Tomatoes: chopped: 1/2 cup
Spring onion (Scallion) whites: chopped :1/4 cup
Spring onion (scallion) greens: chopped:1/4 cup
Cabbage: chopped: 1/4 cup
Chilli Powder:1/4 tsp +/-
Lemon Juice: 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Soak soybeans in water for 2-3 hours. I went for 3 hours. Drain and discard the water. Add turmeric powder and salt (as needed) to soybeans,mix well and keep refrigerated overnight or atleast 6-8 hours.Dry roast the soybeans in a non stick pan for 5 minutes,oer medium heat till they are partially crisp.
Mix the warm soybeans with all other ingredients and serve immediately.
A hearty healthy salad.You can roast the soy beans and store in an air tight container and use it as a snack.You can also change the quantity of ingredients to suit your preference. I went for around 1 cup of beans and then snacked up half cup of roasted beans as such.:)
Lovely salad... yummy..
healthy salad...
salad looks healthy and delicious
Quite an inviting salad, looks absolutely yummy and nutritious..
Roasted soybean salad looks delicious and healthy.
I love simply snack the roasted soybean, tossing in salad is perfect!
I cna finish that whole bowl of salad. interesting recipe dear.
I cna finish that whole bowl of salad. interesting recipe dear.
The salad looks truely awesome and good to see that u have started using the book.
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