Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Pineapple Coconut Cake

This is a simple pineapple cake that I adapted from here and also referenced the mini pineapple cake by veganyumyum.I wanted to make a spring cake with berries but the berry season being over here in India I made a pineapple cake.The recipe is simple and easy. It was an already eggless cake recipe where sourcream was used as a substitute.I used thick yogurt instead.

Self-raising flour : 2 cups (I used AP Flour with rising agents)

Confectioners Sugar: 3/4 cup
Unsalted Butter: room temp: 3/4 cup
Yogurt: 4 tbsp
Pineaapple juice: 1.25 cups
Coconut: 1/2 cup

Pineapple rings

Caramel sauce:
(adapted from veganyumyum's pineapplecake)
Brown Sugar 1/2 cup
Butter 1/2 cup

Caramel Sauce:
In a completely dry saucepan melt both sugar and butter stirring only when necessary.When the mixture bubbles up remove from heat and let it cool.

Preheat the oven to 350F.
Use self raising(sf) flour or substitute 1 cup sr flour = 1 cup APFlour + 1 tsp Bakingpowder + 1/4 tsp baking soda + 1/2 tsp salt.

Line the base of the cake tin with greaseproof paper and grease the paper. I used an 8 inch square dish though a 8 inch round pan was suggested.I also lined it with aluminium foil and then used an olive oil spray on it.Then I slightly applied a thin coating of the caramel sauce and then topped it pineapple rings.To be honest,I used a very thin coating only as I was not sure how mine will turn out and did not want it to look too brown ..

In a big bowl,cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the yogurt and mix well.Stir in the coconut, then half the flour and pineapple juice. Add the remaining flour and pineapple juice; stir well to obtain a thick batter.If using thick yogurt or sour cream you can also add 1 tbsp of water. Spread the mixture on top of the pineapplerings without disturbing the layer. Bake for about 30-40 minutes or until a tester inserted at the centre comes clean.Mine was done in 32 minutes.

Let it cool and then invert into a serving plate and then serve with additional pineapple slices and caramel sauce or as such.

After inverting it looks like .....

On slicing .....

The cake looks a bit heavier but infact is very simple and tasty.The heaviness or the bulky look could be due to the different pan sized or atleast thats my assumption.

Anyway a slice of cake is off to Meeta's Monthly Mingle where the theme is SpringCakes.


Finla said...

I wouldlove to have a thick slice of that dleicous cake.

Mangala Bhat said...

wow! anything made of pinaple is my fav ..Thanks sooo much for the recipe r awsome

Cham said...

The pineapple should give the tropical feel! Looks great the huge slice :)

anudivya said...

Wow CL, such a well risen cake. It should taste better the next day right? Since all the juices from the pineapple would have soaked into the cake by then... oh Yum!

Rachel said...

and that looks yummy!

Anonymous said...

I love pineapple upside down cakes. And this one's so cute.

Don't you think our berry season is too short. I was about to start thinking new strawberry recipes and poof! they are gone.

But then, I bought the first cherries of the season today :)

Priya Suresh said...

Love the huge slice of pineapple cake CL...Gorgeous!

Red Chillies said...

Looks awesome and I will surely try this. WE love pineapples and since this is eggless, I would give this a try.

jayasree said...

Cake looks delicious. Bookmarked.

chef and her kitchen said...

Addition of coconut to the pineapple cake is quite to hv a bite of it..

Unknown said...

oooo my goodness! looks at that cake yaar yummy How can you tempt me like this sweatha simply superb

Alka said...

Must have been flavorful ...I don't remember when i last had a pineapple cake , and this is tempting me to have one :-)

Divya Kudua said...

Lovely cake CL..I love to experiment with eggless cakes and this one sounds cool with yogurt as a substitute:)

Lisa Turner said...

Such a pretty cake and I can never resist caramel!

Mahimaa's kitchen said...

this is to die for combo... yummy.. i am coming over!

indhu said...

pineapple cake... I love this one... am crazy about pineapples ... the cake looks awesome!
- Indhu (

Yasmeen said...

Love the flavor combo in the cake, guess pineapple is one of the few fruits that can survive the scorching summer heat.

Meeta K. Wolff said...

looks lovely! pineapple always makes cakes moist and flavorful. great entry!

Sunshinemom said...

Looks tasty and moist!

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