Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fabulous 5 for TastyCurryLeaf & White Chocolate Sherbet

"Everyday with You is a celebration
There is no need for a special Anniversary Day 
But Today is the day You came into my life 
And I have never looked back"

Today TastyCurryLeaf turns a fabulous five. The previous year has been a good one but yes, we (blog & author) have more cuisines and techniques to be conquered and definitely  more miles to go. We are satisfied with what we did and are definitely going in the right direction. We are also thankful to each and every reader who takes time to read the post, leave a comment and hopefully try the dish. 

To celebrate the blogversary, I present a white chocolate sherbet that I recently tried out. Its easy to make and tastes delicious.If you have an icecream maker then its all the more easy.Now what is a sherbet? Its not the sharbat drink that you get in India or Middle East,but similar to sorbet or icecream. Even the making is similar to icecream. 

The difference between sherbet and icecream lies in the fat content of the two. Sherbet is usually dairy(milk/cream) along with water + sugar + fruit juice/puree. Or rather sorbet with dairy ingredients is sherbet broadly speaking. But compared to the icecream the dairy is lesser in quantity in the sherbet.

I have made a simple white chocolate sherbet which I have tried from FoodNetwork. White chocolate is an ingredient rarely used by me. I prefer dark/milk/semi sweet but white used to put me off chocolate. Now thanks to blogging, I have slowly started enjoying it and in a frozen form it was delish. I am sure with the icecream maker you can have more glorious texture as well.I have followed David Lebovitz's post on 'How to make icecream without a machine' to make my sherbet.

White Chocolate: 3 oz or atleast  6 tbsp grated
Sugar: 4 tbsp +/- as per taste
Milk: 1.5 cups
Water: 3/4 cup
Vanilla: 1/2 tsp

Place all the ingredients in a bowl over hot water (double boiler) and stir until the chocolate melts and the mix turns smooth. 

Keep aside till room temperature and then transfer it to a freezable bowl and freeze it for 1-2 hours -till the edges are set.

Take it out and whisk/blend it thoroughly to break up any frozen parts and then return to the freezer. This has to be done few times or till you are really fed up and almost as soon as it starts freezing -roughly 30-45 minutes duration. I did it 4-5 times and then after a quick freeze, scooped it up.

A simple yet elegant dessert. If you have an icecream maker then chill the liquid chocolate mix and spin as per the instructions.

A fabulous Fifth Year Start and the journey continues.......


Bombay Foodie said...

Happy Blog Birthday! And its your 5th birthday too. Must say I really enjoy reading your blog and specially all the different cuisines you experiment with.

What a fabulous dessert to celebrate this important milestone. Hope to be still reading you on your 10th blog birthday!

Akila said...

congrats on ur 5th year dear....keep rocking... u know onething, same day i too started my blog n today its 2nd blog bday....

Priya Suresh said...

Happy birthday to Tasty Curryleaf, 5 is a huge number for me..Keep on going dear.

Sherbet looks extremely yummyilicious.

Padmajha said...

Congrats on the 5th B'day and wishing you many more to come :).Btw,Yummy and quick dessert...

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