Red and yellow, pink and green,
Orange and purple, and blue,
I can sing a rainbow,
Sing a rainbow,
See a rainbow too.
I can sing a rainbow,
Sing a rainbow,
See a rainbow too.
Colours bring us joy and happiness.We think in colours.The word rainbow brings an assortment of colours into our mind.Sun,we relate to orange, night/darkness to black etc.Generally we see everything in colours.They often reveal human nature and speak about us as well.We can turn green with envy or red with anger or we can paint the town red and then go white with embarassment.Well lets see what the food in colours -especially favourite colour reveals about us.
"White is not a mere absence of color; it is a shining and affirmative thing, as fierce as red, as definite as black. God paints in many colors; but He never paints so gorgeously, I had almost said so gaudily, as when He paints in white."
-Gilbert Keith Chesterton(British journalist)
The symbol of purity,joy,snow,neutrality and humility,lets see the wintery white dishes:

Nellikkai Pachadi from PJ of SeduceYourTasteBuds:

RED: When in doubt wear red. - Bill Blass (fashion designer)
It is the colour of desire,anger,romance and intense energy.It indicates danger and has high visibility/attractiveness.It increases confidence and hardwork and is found to have a physiologial response by increasing the heart beat .The ladies in Red who increase our heart beats are:
Srilakshmi of Annapurna presents:
spicy and fiery Avakaya
Tomato Pickle
And my very humble tomato and roasted pepper salad :

Brown: Moralistic is not moral. And as for truth -- well, it's like brown -- it's not in the spectrum. Truth is so generic." -- Iris Murdoch
Brown,the colour of earth,of survival and most of all chocolate.It shows dedication, commitment and sacrifice.Let see the earthy delicacy in brown:
Bourbon Biscuits from Nithya of Aromas From my Kitchen 
Purple: "I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it." -Alice Walker
the colour of royalty ,nobility,envy,spirituality,creativity.Rare in foods but always associated with exotic and royal things like Tyrian Purple -a purple coloured dye originally from Greece was available only to the elite.It is supposed to be Cleopatra's favourite colour.The royal dish in purple is
Plum Jam from Yasmeen

He had that curious love of green, which in individuals is always the sign of a subtle artistic temperament, and in nations is said to denote a laxity, if not a decadence of morals. -Oscar Wilde (poet)
Green,the colour of nature which symbolises goodness and provides a calming effect.But wait extreme green colour is also associated with envy.It symbolizes youth,intelligence,wealth,fertility etc.One can go on and on,but lets see the green dishes that make us go green with taste(not envy this time)
Ning Ryes of Heartand Hearth has a healthy Salad Greens with Orange Balsamic Dressing Cham brings her healthy Greens Stirfry and Puree
Prathibha comes with a delectable AlooPalak:
Ivy of Kopiaste presents vegan Nistimi Spanakopita from scratch
Priya again with an amazing range of dishes:
Bok Choy StirFry

Srilankan Broccoli Fry :

Coriander & Paneer Pulao

CurryLeaves Rice (Ahem!)

Minty Cashew & Peas Pulao:

Microwave Beans Raita

Spiced Creamed Spinach

and to finish off a healthy kiwi lassi

Chaitra of Aadhithyam has delectable and creamy Pista Milkshake

Bhawna of FromMyPalate tempts us with spicy Sarson Ka Saag

Usha of SpicyKitchen celebrates her blog anniversary by making healthy
Green Chard Stirfry
Yellow: "How wonderful yellow is. It stands for the sun." --Vincent Van Gogh
the colour of happiness,summer ,joy,friendship,gold and hope.Here comes the dishes in summery Yellow
Sunny SunshineMom,true to her colour and her own event tempts us with vegan bundt cakes :
Vegan Mango Bundt Cake

Vegan Orange Coconut Cake

Vegan Orange Mango Coconut Bundt Cake

Malini presents delectable and healthy besan chillah
spicy hariyali paneer tikka
Kaya Arul brings healthy Rava kichidi
EasyCrafts simply and easily presents healthy BlackEyed Pea Rice
Priyanka of AsanKhana who always presents a full meal has instant drumstick pickle
Yachna of SwissCafe tempts us with yummy Fried mushrooms

Rekha of PlantainLeaf comes up with super yellow vegetable poha ,quick and healthy and very tasty

Kalva of CurryInKadai tempts us with very delicious Semiya Kesari -Vermicelli Halva with Cashews and Raisins

Jyothi of FoodSeasons brings with her Mango Passion Kulfi

Sudha of MalaysianDelicacies tempts us with Tempting Mango Pudding with a beautiful Mango rose in it.

Orange:Orange is the color of the sun. It is vital, and a good color generally, indicating thoughtfulness and consideration of others. - Edgar Cayce the colour of fire,hot sun and the fruit with the same name.It represents energy though not as intense as red and also has more brightness than yellow.It also represents arrogance and is also a sign of royalty as well as religion in certain countries.the bright orange parade includes:

Healthy Carrot Lentil Soup from Deepika of Recipes4Deesaster
Delicious Papaya Halwa from Pooja of SaiKitchen
Pink:Pink is the color of romance and a friend tells me that the girl with the pink dress at the party is the one who is selected for each dance -Alfred Carol Hottes
Pink is the sister colour of red,always associated with girls,and why not as pink represents admiration,appreciation,spring,socialism,innocence etc.The pretty pink dishes are
Pretty Pink Super Healthy Refreshing Cooler

and a super sparkling strawberry cider

Of all God's gifts to the sighted man, color is holiest, the most divine, the most solemn.
-John Ruskin (Art Critic)
Do let me know if I have missed anyone or anything.And if possible do take the colour test here to find out what your favourite colours tells about you.And also prepare delectable combo dishes for FIC -Delectable Combinations by Kamalika this month
Great job on the roundup Sweatha and well presented. Everything sounds delicious.
great round up.Hope you had a nice time hosting this event
Neat and excellent roundup CL...U did a great job!!!
Nice roundup fac color is blue..i wish i could cook something blue :)
How wonderful CL, hard work! Nice round up.
Love that curd rice with mango!
Thanks for hosting, Sweatha! A delectable round up it is:)
Rainbow of delectable food,thanks for the vibrant round up:)
Thanks for this colorful and yummy roundup sweatha every thing looks delicious great work dear.
great colouful round up...Hope you had a nice time hosting...
What a colourful round up!!!
Looks simplly great...
Oh wow awesome roundup....nice to know color favourites.....great choice and gr8 roundup....
Colorful roundup with great dishes!
great round up!
ovely roundup dear,...good presenattion,..
Nice roundup Shweatha with cool recipes.
Wow! What a beautiful rainbow.
Wow! Yummy yummy roundup!:)
Wow! Yummy yummy roundup!:)
Nice..even my fav colour is blue like Parita. .. good job
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