Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pesto Snack Rolls

These are simple Italian style dinner rolls made with cheesy bread dough and stuffed with pesto.I was searching for cheese bread for BBD when I found these.To tell you the truth I actually found two versions of these rolls, one had oats along with flour and other normal with flour.I tried the first version,but thanks to my oven,the rolls were not browned or seemed very heavy.It could be my fault as well,but oven added to my miseries.I had given up baking bread when these reappeared,this time in a complete flour version which made me all the more determined to make them,and I did so with few changes.The oven still played truant by being slow,and I decided to have my way with the dough.

All Purpose flour: 1 1/4 cup +
Wheat Flour: 1 cup
Salt: 1 1/4 tsp
Sugar: 2 tbsp
Parmesan Cheese: 1/2 cup
Fast Rising Yeast: 1 pkt (1/4 oz)

Spices (optional)
Fennel: 1 tsp
Pepper: 1/2 tsp
Oregano: 1/2 tsp

Water: 3/4 cup
Olive Oil:2tbsp

Pesto:1/4 cup
Cilantro(coriander):1 cup
Parmesan Cheese: 1/4 cup
Garlic: 1 clove
Extra Virgin Olive Oil: 2-4 tbsp
Pine nuts/ any other nuts: handful

Pesto: Grind together all the ingredients adding extra virgin olive oil as needed.The measurements can be changed as per taste and availability.I did not have basil,so I went for coriander leaves/cilantro to make my pesto.Also the pine nuts can be replaced with your choice of nuts.

Bread Rolls:

In a big bowl,add 1 cup of all purpose flour and wheat flour.Also add grated cheese, salt, sugar,spices if using and yeast.Mix well.

In a small sauce pan,warm water adding olive oil and add to the flour mixture.Stir well by hand and then form a soft dough by adding more flour if needed.

The recipe said that around 2 3/4 cups of flour will be needed or in my case 1 cup wheat flour and 1 cup AP Flour + 3/4 cup more.But I used barely 1/4 cup all purpose more (total = 1 1/4 cup APFlour +1 cup wheat flour) with the said amount of water.Make sure you stop adding the flour,once you obtain a smooth and elastic dough.Knead the dough on lightly floured surface for 5-8 minutes.

Roll out the dough into a large circle.The recipe went for a 9" inch and divided it into 12 wedges.I rolled it out as thin as I could and then divided it into as many as 24+ small wedges.Then take each wedge,spread little pesto and roll it up from the curved edge to the pointed end in a jelly roll fashion,to form a crescent roll.This is similar to the rugelach I did.Place the crescent roll seam side down in a lightly greased baking sheet.Do so with all the wedges.Cover the rolls and allow them to rise in a warm area until they are doubled for about 1-2 hours.

Once doubled bake these at 400F for 10-12 minutes or 350F for 20-22 minutes or until they are browned.The first time when I made these with oats ,I had problems with my oven and the rolls took more than 25 minutes to look light brown.So this time I went for a higher temperature and this risk paid off.I still cannot believe that they turned out well.

These are small and soft that they can be called snack rolls as they can be snacked on anytime.The wheat addition makes it little chewy.Apart from pesto you can go for any other spread you want including chutney or thick tomato spread/marinara topped with mozarella for a pizza crescent.Also avoid spices if you do not like and replace wheat with AP Flour itself as per taste and choice and availability though wheat flour is healthier that APFlour.I did not add salt or pepper to pesto as I have already added more than 1 tsp of salt to my bread dough.Feel free to make changes here as well and use salt and pepper.

These rolls fresh from the oven are on their way to Temperence at HighHog where she is saying 'Cheeeeese ' with BBD#16:Breads with Cheese.


Cham said...

The spiral of pesto in the croissant shape, looks pretty. It could be a perfect breakfast too

Beyond Curries said...

Looks like somebody is mastering Italian cooking and bread baking as well. I should find fast rising yeast.

Anonymous said...

Yummy professional touch to your snack rolls..Badly need something to snack with a hot cup of tea now.

Rathna said...

Pesto inside croissant, looks yummy.

Please participate in the event I've started at my blog if you are interested. Thank you

Vibaas said...

Looks pretty and will make a perfect snack :)

Mahimaa's kitchen said...

very new to me. must have tasted awesome.... its like our coriander chutney right? yummmmo

Sunanda said...

Pesto looks yummy!!ll give it a try...

PG said...

a lovely preparation, with pesto, delicious!
Passed by to tell you that i ahven't got time enough tto write back to you. But, will do that. I don't think i will be ablre to give you a perefect answer, but maybe you will have it. :)
Just one thing, do you know if it does not happen when you add margerine(vegan) to soya milk, this curdeling?

Unknown said...

have bookmarked this one..will go through in detail at leisure..looks really good..

Unknown said...

yum yum yum rolls with pesto great sweatha have to try this

Priya Suresh said...

Woww gorgeous rolls, with pesto n cheese they looks really very delicious, prefect for breakfast with hot coffee...

Finla said...

Wowo the rolls look so yumm.
I can smell the deliciousaroma but just looking to the pic.

R said...

I love crispy look and its croissant shape :)

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Chris said...

Mmm! Rugelach-inspired rolls slathered with savory spread instead of nuts and jam - what a great idea. Thank you for this!

Sia said...


Suganya said...

This is a perfect snack. Looks so perfect. Loved the recipe lot. YUM!

anudivya said...

You made it from scratch...! Perfect.
Being the lazy one, I get some crescent dinner rolls, unwrap them, brush with some pesto, roll and bake them.
We love it.

Anonymous said...

I've had these at my favorite deli and became an instant fan. Yours look even better than those professional rolls I saw.

Sum Raj said...

pesto rolls..i need the plate right now here..

Nithya Praveen said...

Looks great...a perfect breakfast!

Usha said...

Awesome, these look absolutely perfect...loved the idea of pesto made with cilantro...great job :-)

Vijitha said...

Trail back girl I have somethin for you in my blog!

Delicious post! looks so good

Unknown said...

Alright! Now I know what I am doing with my leftover frozen pesto. These look so tasty. Great job!

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