There are several blogs in blogosphere,each unique and distinct and each different from one another.Several recipes- some new, some old, some borrowed,some bookmarked,some inspired and so many variety of cuisines and recipes.It could be the same food sometimes,but different versions or even when same version,the look,the garnish, the angle of picture could differ.Each and every dish speaks volumes of the emotions behind it,the loved ones for whom it is prepared,the tribute to a loved one and the taste of the person not just in food ,but also a view of life in general.
During bloghoping I come across so many recipes in so many wonderful blogs that tempt me sooo much that I always bookmark them.Well sometimes I just stop bloghopping and make these right away.Each one tempts you and you end up making it at once.Sometimes some changes as per taste or availability of items or most of the times you make the same dish without any changes at all and once you taste it and also gets appreciated for it,the admiration towards the fellow blogger from whom you made it goes upwards or skyrockets.You make more and more from his/her blog and find several things apart from food also common.In general we feel we can relate to that person.Well food does bring people together.I personally believe that its a great honour for a blogger when fellow bloggers try out a dish from his/her blog.Its a dream come true and to know your food being appreciated is wonderful appreciation and honour.
To make known the esteemed appreciation of fellow bloggers,we have a wonderful event- Tried and Tasted that showcases a Quality Blog each month and allows fellow bloggers to showcase their version of dishes tried and tasted from the chosen Quality Blog.Tried and Tasted is a tradition started by Zlamushka of SpicyKitchen,and an event that I look forward to take part.It allows you to put forth the admiration you feel towards the gourmet blogger whose blog is being showcased and the dish/dishes you have tried with or without changes.Most part of last year,it was hosted by the creator herself,but for the first time,I have been given the opportunity to host the first edition ,Thanks to Zu.It is the first edition of T & T this year and also the first event hosted here and we start this year with a delicious and beautiful blog: Tasty Palettes.
Suganya,the wonderful lady behing the quality blog needs no introduction.You visit the blog and are stumped at the breathtakingly beautiful dishes.The photography is too much inspiring especially after seeing the several Photgraphy Contest wins on the side bar.As for the dishes,you eat them first with eyes and then you taste them.A complete satisfaction to the eyes and your hunger pangs. In the words of the wonderful -"Even a simple dish can be made took elegant or extra ordinary with proper plating".Be it the simple dal or the blackbean timbale,you are astounded by the creativity behind the thoughtful dish.Words are insignificant to describe the Art of food captured at Tasty Palettes.To cut a long story or admiration short,this month T & T is inviting each and everybody to contribute to the event by trying and tasting the delicious dishes from Tasty Palettes.
To make known the esteemed appreciation of fellow bloggers,we have a wonderful event- Tried and Tasted that showcases a Quality Blog each month and allows fellow bloggers to showcase their version of dishes tried and tasted from the chosen Quality Blog.Tried and Tasted is a tradition started by Zlamushka of SpicyKitchen,and an event that I look forward to take part.It allows you to put forth the admiration you feel towards the gourmet blogger whose blog is being showcased and the dish/dishes you have tried with or without changes.Most part of last year,it was hosted by the creator herself,but for the first time,I have been given the opportunity to host the first edition ,Thanks to Zu.It is the first edition of T & T this year and also the first event hosted here and we start this year with a delicious and beautiful blog: Tasty Palettes.
Suganya,the wonderful lady behing the quality blog needs no introduction.You visit the blog and are stumped at the breathtakingly beautiful dishes.The photography is too much inspiring especially after seeing the several Photgraphy Contest wins on the side bar.As for the dishes,you eat them first with eyes and then you taste them.A complete satisfaction to the eyes and your hunger pangs. In the words of the wonderful -"Even a simple dish can be made took elegant or extra ordinary with proper plating".Be it the simple dal or the blackbean timbale,you are astounded by the creativity behind the thoughtful dish.Words are insignificant to describe the Art of food captured at Tasty Palettes.To cut a long story or admiration short,this month T & T is inviting each and everybody to contribute to the event by trying and tasting the delicious dishes from Tasty Palettes.
The rules are:
- Cook any recipe(s) from the blog of the month and post about it. Stay as true to the original recipe(s) as possible. Therefore, there is no need for re-posting it, simply link to the original post :-)
- There is no time-frame for the original recipe.
- Link your post HERE (the use of logo is not a must,but much appreciated)and also Zlamushka's original announcement and to the original post.
- Please always link to both sites of the dish, so both blogs are given credit and you are avoiding copyright fuss.
- Deadline is the last day of the month(31st March,09) and the round up will be posted within a week.Non-bloggers are more than welcome to participate .Simply e-mail me with your experience of what you cooked and please include a picture.
- After posting the dish,send an email to tastycurryleaf{at}gmail{dot}com replacing {at} with @ and {dot} with . with T&T:TastyPalettes in the subject line and your name,your blog name,url,post url,url of the original entry and picture of anysize.
This is my first event and I am sincerely counting on all of you to make this event a success.Looking forward to delicious participation...
COunt me in...will surely send something for u!!
I am a great fan of Suganya's blog. I will send something for sure. Happy hosting :)
I am taking a break this month from cooking for events. Enjoy hosting, I will catch up next month! :)
Good, so you're hosting T&T this month.:)
I should, hopefully be able to join in. After all March has 31 days! :D
What a beautiful write up to invite entries, Sweatha! Everything you say is absolutely true and since I too love Tasty Palettes I will definitely take this opportunity to show my admiration!!
Nice choice! Will definitely try to cook something for your event.
Thats a meaningful event..lemme see too
I also like Suganya's blog very much, especially for the very good photos. will try to participate. Happy Hosting.
Her blog is a great choice! I will drool first and cook something for u!
nice.. i will try to come up with something.
Count me in,'ll surely send in something, i like her blog very much..
Have been drooling at many of her recipes, will surely make something for this event frm her's.
perfect choice sweatha I have some recipes from her in my bookmark will try now for you happy hosting dear
Great choice for T&T. Goodluck hosting your first event. I shall surely try to send in something.
Wonderful event@!! Will try to participate!! :)
Fabbo :-) Loved the post, let s get cooking ;-) I know what I am making,....
I am excited and nervous at the same time. Hope my recipes don't suck big time :). Thanks for featuring my blog, Sweatha.
great event!! love suganya's blog anyways, will try and send something for this!
Thats a great one..suganya's is always eye catching!..will try to send in something!
Nice one..hope to contribute something
are we allowed more than one entry?
You highlighted a truly amazing blog this month.
Now let me visit TP and dig out ,what i can try out in particular,coz there are so many wonderful recipes there,i am sure to be boggled
Great choice of blog for T&T..will try and find out something for the event..happy hosting!!
and yeah..great write-up too!!
Wonderful pick for T&T,hope you have a good time hosting.Sounds exciting to explore a beautiful blog like TP:)
Thats a beautiful write-up Sweatha and u have chosen a great blog...Im'in!
nice event and good luck..
I have already made three dishes and still have a few that I d love to make :-)
Great looking blog. The photos are sure tempting. I wanted to make the Paal Kozhukattai for a long time. Here's my chance. Hope my photos also end up as good as the original. So that it would be a faithful replication of the original. Count me in Buddy!!
Hi Sweatha...just sent you my entry.
Sweatha I have already cooked something from suganya's blog for this. I will get it ready & send it to u by deadline:-)Soma(
I just dropped my entry. Check it out.
Great one Swetha..Nice write up.. :)
just mailed u my entry.
HI lovely,
finally compiled, made 4 entries :-) Have a look here.
I just sent my submission and I am excited to see the roundup!
Just sent you my entry, Sweatha.
Am I in?
Sent my recipe to you late last night, March 31.
Good luck with the round-up. Looking forward to it. : }
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