I have been awarded the "Wylde Woman Award" again,this time by Srilekha of Me&My Kitchen.
THANKS A LOT SRI.Its my second but as precious.
I have also been tagged first by Lubna of Kitchen Flavours with a friendship poem
We need friends for many reasons,all throughout the season.
We need friends to comfort us when we are sad,and to have fun with need friends to give us good advice,
We need someone we can count on,and treat us nice.
We need friends to remember us once we have passed ;sharing memories that will always last.
Spread the poem of friendship.
1. Everyday Life 2. Words of Love 3. Sheng's Simple Thoughts . . . 4 My Wonderful Life ....5. Can of Thoughts 6. Designs By Vhiel 7. Vhiel's Corner 8. Anything and Everything in Between 9. A Mother's Stuff 10. http://housewifeatwork.blogspot.com/ 11. My Receipes 12. Vblogger 13. thefootloosechef 14. Yummy Food 15. CurryLeaf 16.You
I love to tag SriLekha,Vegetable Platter, Paru ,Srivalli
Paru has also tagged with a a MeMe:
The rules are:
The rules of the MeMe are the following:
- Pick up the nearest book
- Open to page 123
- Find the 5th sentence
- Post the next three sentences
- Tag 5 people and acknowledge the person who tagged you.
The book is Family Circle Magazine
The page is "Better Healthcare Handbook"
The 5th line: the incredible shrinking doctor's appointment
next: with time at a premium,learn how to make the most of your 11 minutes in the examining room
7th: ace any health exam
8th :When to get a second opinion
Thanks Paru,now I am tagging,
Vegetable Platter
Divya of Dilse
Divya of Culinary Bazaar
It was exciting doing the MeMe..Hope you too are.!
Congrats o ur award..and thanks for tagging me..will do it soon..
Congrats on ur award..
thanks for tagging me :)..Its a lovely message..
Thanks for the tag..will pick it up sometime soon!
thanks for tagging will do it for u soon!
tagged u! check it out in my blog!
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