Friday, August 22, 2008

Strawberry Banana Sorbet & My First Award

Dearest Lubna of Kitchenflavours has passed me the Wylde Woman Award and I am very thrilled.Its my first award you see.The rules of the award are:

  1. You can give it to one or one hundred or any number in between - it's up to you. Make sure you link to their site in your post
  2. Link back to the blog site Tammy can go visit all these wonderful men and women and remember the Purpose of the Award: To send love and acknowledgment to men and women, who brighten your day, teach you new things and live their lives fully with generosity and joy.
I love to pass this award to:

To celebrate I made a Strawberry Banana Sorbet from J&B of JugalBandi. I followed the recipe (Click here for the original)without many changes.Here's mine.


Strawberry(frozen/fresh): 8-10


Sugar: 1 tspn(optional)

Lemon Juice:1/2 lime


Microwave the strawberry & banana for 1 minute and then puree in a blender.Pour into a bowl or tray and freeze for 4 to 5 hours. Take out from the freezer and thaw for 15 minutes and then blend again in the mixer and freeze for 45 minutes again.Now this is my own addition to the recipe.But this blending again makes the sorbet more creamy and smooth.

Thaw again for few minutes and serve in scoops.JugalBandi team served it in chocolate shells.But I did not have any.(I tried making but ......)So I scooped it in wine glass pour chocolate syrup on it and put in a lone rolled-up wafer.Enjoy this in hot summer anytime of the day.

Now this Sorbet travels before it melts to Aparna of My DiverseKitchen for MBP:FruitFare started by Coffee and currently hosted by Aparna

This also travels to Zlamushka's Kitchen for the Tried and Tasted Event where JugalBandi is the chosen blog.



bee said...

Thank you for trying our recipe. Hope you liked the result. Also thank you for the award.


Unknown said...

Thanks for passing the have several nice recipes in ur blog..

Sia said...

thanks for the award dear. much appreciated :)

Sunshinemom said...

This is so easy! I will make this too - there will be one parallel entry in T&C:). The thought behind the award is so good! Congrats to you, and thanks for the same:) I am happy to be considered:)

Rajani said...

hi, first time on your blog! congratulations on your award, lovely recipe and you have a pretty neat blog here!

Vaishali said...
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Vaishali said...

That sorbet looks absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for thinking of me for the award--you are very kind!

Aparna Balasubramanian said...

Sorbet is a great frozen dessert. Thanks for the MBP entry.
Truly appreciate your thinking of me for the award, thank you.

Beyond Curries said...

Thanks a lot for trying my recipes and passing me the award Sweatha. Sorry I couldn't check earlier.

I'm also going to try this sorbet. It really sounds very tasty.

I'll also check other recipes of yours leisurely.

Anisheetu said...

Nice entry... and thanks a lot for considering me for the award...

EC said...

Yummy sorbet..congrats on the award and thanks for sharing it with me

zlamushka said...

Hi Sweatha,

Thank you again for another entry. I am very honored to have you with us twice :-)

T’s Treats said...

woohoo!! I love Sorbet and anyone that doesn't require the ice cream maker is even better!! and Strawberry Banana mmm!!! YUM!!

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