I do not like plums.But somehow they entered my home and stared at me for 10 days.I had enough of this and at the right time I stumbled upon this recipe.I had almost all the ingredients and it was easy to make.Thankfully the plums were not overripe.
Crumble is a British dessert dish which has stewed fruit and a crumbly topping.The topping is made of flour,sugar and fat(butter).Oats can also be added to this topping.Here is the way I made it and it is super tasty.More about Crumble here and here
Ripe red Plums:4 to 5
White Sugar:1.5 tbspn
Cinnamon Powder:1 tspn
Flour:1/4-1/2 cup
Brown Sugar:1/2 cup
Oats(old fashioned):3/4 cup
Cold Unsalted Butter:1 tbspn
Pre heat oven to 400 f.
Clean the plums,remove the pits and chop into small wedges.Mix with cinnamon,and white sugar.Spread this filling mixture evenly in a buttered baking dish.
Mix the flour,brown sugar and oats in a bowl.Cut the cold butter using a knife or grater into this mix and mix it all together with your hands till it looks like course crumbs.Before mixing you can actually crush the oats a little using a rolling pin.I did not and used it as such,so they looked as individual pieces -stood alone in the crowd of flour and sugar.This did not make a difference in taste.The actual recipe does not say anything about this as well.
Spread the topping on the filling in the baking dish.Do not mix the layers.
Bake for 35-40 minutes.Serve as such or with ice cream.
The topping ingredient estimate depends upon the filling estimate.So sometimes you may be left with extra topping.In this case simply store it in the fridge.You can use it next time with either plums, or other fruits like apple,pears,cherry,peaches or mixed berry fruits.
They looked like this before cuttingand like this after cutting:
I have made apple crumble before, and will try this one too during the season!
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